About Oliver & Bo

How did Oliver and Bo come about?  I've always loved interior design, how we decorate our homes and where we find those perfect finishing touches, but it's not always easy to spend the time searching endless sites to locate those perfect items.  So after a lot of consideration I decided to create a site that hopefully brings together the type of products that you are looking for and love.   

My interest in Sweden started with Ikea (I'm not ashamed to admit) and continued after I met my husband Erik (who happens to be Swedish) and we're lucky enough to visit Sweden relatively frequently to see friends and family.  It's also a fantastic opportunity to see different towns, houses and decorating styles.  I wanted to bring a bit of that into the Website and Products. 

It's about that cosy, contented feeling of being warm, snuggled up and setting the scene in your home.  Whether you want to relax, reinvigorate or just share time with family and friends, it's about creating the right environment.  Our wellbeing and wellness are vitally important, but in order for that we need to create the right environment in our lives. How do we do this?

Our Scandinavian neighbours have the right idea,

Lagom [Lá:gom] - not too much, not too little, just the right amount.

Hygge [hue-gah]- an atmosphere of warmth, wellbeing and cosiness, when you feel at peace and able to enjoy simple pleasures and being in the moment.

We all love our homes and sometimes once we've decorated it's about pulling in the right accessories to finish off the look.  What I've done is pick key pieces that I believe add the finishing touch to your beautiful homes.  

Nothing faddy, gimmicky, just a few key pieces, I love and hope you will too.

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